hello there.

  • SRM.TOP_10


    There has been an interesting thought-experiment permeating throughout Twitter recently; what do you do when you see a platform you enjoy and regularly consume dismantled?

  • I’m Moving… to AWS

    I decided to drink the AWS Kool-aid. I’d like to learn a little more about building, deploying, and managing applications in a dev-opsy way. So I decided to just jump feet first into it. Well, that’s a bit of a lie. First, I tried to set-up Gatsby as a CMS — I felt that I…

  • What I learned while building a React + Redux + Rails App (or, A Study of Balance)

    Welcome to the hub for Phrank! — my Phish cataloging project built for Flatiron’s Learn.co web development course. I began this project a long time ago. It took me the better part of a year to get to where I am. I am proud of what I have built, but know I can improve it…

  • Technically Correct

    I learned a lot from my first time working with Redux and React on top of Rails. Hopefully, something here can help another beginner down the line. Understanding State (and thus, Redux) I didn’t really understand Redux at all when I started the final project. Everyone often refers to “Rails Magic” and how complex things…

  • Not everything is technical, even when it is.

    There are lessons you learn in developing that are outside code. Sure, without this project, I would be a far inferior developer than I am now (and I do consider myself one, at this point). My technical skills in digesting programmatic needs and turning them consistently into solutions without resorting to how-to guides or API…

  • Integrating JS into Rails Application

    Integrating JS, specifically JQuery via AJAX, was not as much as a challenge as I expected. I had plenty of trouble with the JS coursework. It didn’t click like ruby. There was too much abstraction everywhere. I was passing functions into functions from other functions that had a value in them, at least I thought…

  • Creating my first Rails app

    You can find this app here: https://github.com/srolandmarshall/party_planner_app/ While last time I did somewhat of a live code of my project, this time I spent a majority of the time coding rather than blogging. While this makes this recap blog a little more difficult, my ability to work within Git and keeping to small changes was much…

  • Working with Sinatra – Live Blog

    While this has probably been the longest time I’ve spent on a segment of the program, this is when things finally started to ‘click’ inside my head about how websites work. I’ve set up local environments to work on HTML and CSS before, but working with a local database was something I never knew how…

  • Programming My First Ruby App

    Writer’s Note: This was a live blog of my experience writing my first piece of software completely independently. If it looks like I trailed off in the middle of a thought… I probably did. I’ve tried to sew it all together to make it seamless but this project took place over the course of a…

  • Prompt: How is Object Oriented Ruby a metaphor for life?

    This is a really fun thought to have, because the first reaction is: “Uh, it’s not?” But that’s not true at all. In fact, OO in general is a mirror of life itself, especially once you learn of the meta-programming aspect.